0 Travel | Some Guy In Nevada - Part 4

Category: Travel

  • The Dingle Way

    We are about to strap on our packs and hit the Dingle Way trail. The trail runs 111 miles around the Dingle Peninsula in Country Kerry in southwest Ireland. From innumerable archaeological sites, pubs and long beach walks to hilltop vistas, cliffs and windmills, this trail offers much for the hiker willing to stick to…

  • Random Pics from Dublin

  • Internet Cafe Experience

    Internet Cafes (IC) are an example of where my preconceived notions are way off.  Expectations of folks hanging out with friends, surfing the web, drinking expensive coffee are wrong.  IC”s are serious business. Most often there is no overhead music or at most very subdued.  Each individual cubicle is filled with intently focused faces tap,…

  • In Tralee

    The final rest before the long hike tomorrow morning. We enjoyed a very easy train ride from Dublin to Tralee, which only took a few hours. (more below the map) [findmespotmap start=”2010-04-13 08:00:00″ end=”2010-04-13 15:00:00″ id=”0-8062822″] We’re holed up in the Castle Hostel, a nice, family-run outfit in central Tralee. Over a cup of tea,…

  • On the Way to Tralee

    Well, Dublin was fun, but it’s time to begin the real reason we’re here. We’ll be staying overnight in Tralee, not a town noted for hospitality, and then in the morning we’ll begin our 120 mile trek around the Dingle Peninsula. Dublin is a fun, hustle & bustle city, and there were still some fun…

  • Cooked in a WHAT?

    I’d really like to see that oven…no, now that I think about it, I’d rather not.

  • Traveling with a Whistle

    I didn’t realize how much trouble I’d be causing by taking the MK Low D whistle. We thought that it would be a good idea to pack it inside a long, discarded ski sock with PVC pipe at either end to protect the bell and the windway, plus an alto sax pad-saver stuffed up the…

  • Well done Aer Lingus

    Sometimes it takes leaving the “good old USA” to discover excellent service and professionalism.  The red-eye from Chicago to Dublin on Aer Lingus was a pleasant travel experience. Attendants were all sharp looking in snappy green, clean and pressed uniforms.  All of the attendants had a uniform look from head to toe. Attitude:  the Irish…