0 In Tralee | Some Guy In Nevada

In Tralee

The final rest before the long hike tomorrow morning.

We enjoyed a very easy train ride from Dublin to Tralee, which only took a few hours. (more below the map)
[findmespotmap start=”2010-04-13 08:00:00″ end=”2010-04-13 15:00:00″ id=”0-8062822″]

We’re holed up in the Castle Hostel, a nice, family-run outfit in central Tralee. Over a cup of tea, we had a lovely chat with Stephen, the proprietor, comparing notes about the recession on both sides of the big pond. We discovered that University here is much less expensive than back in the US…does that mean we’re dumber in the US and need that much more education to catch up to our EU counterparts? Or does it simply mean we’re getting ripped off? Stephen noted that as the recession plods on, people over here are reverting to a much more cordial and polite demeanor, which is not something we’ve noticed back home. Over here in Ireland, I suppose the general attitude is “we’re all in this together.”

We decided that we needed to visit the outdoor store here in Tralee to pick up a lightweight trowel for backcountry bathroom use. So, after walking about 1-1/2 miles, we discovered that camping trowels are the one item that they don’t carry. We walked the 1-1/2 miles back empty-handed, and here we are.

Some pics from the train:

Blue Windows
On the Train to Tralee
View from the Train



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One response to “In Tralee”

  1. Bev Palfreyman Avatar
    Bev Palfreyman

    The train looks a tad newer than the the I took back in ’75. Did you get to see the Roses of Tralee?