0 The Dingle Way | Some Guy In Nevada

The Dingle Way

We are about to strap on our packs and hit the Dingle Way trail. The trail runs 111 miles around the Dingle Peninsula in Country Kerry in southwest Ireland. From innumerable archaeological sites, pubs and long beach walks to hilltop vistas, cliffs and windmills, this trail offers much for the hiker willing to stick to it. And…we think we are just the hikers to do it.

For the first leg, we’ll start in Tralee, past the Blennerville windmill, and cut along the north side of the Slieve Mish range to Camp. (11 miles)
[kmlmap w=500 h=500 kml=”01-traleecamp.kmz”]
[kmlmap w=500 h=500 kml=”dingleway.kmz”]



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3 responses to “The Dingle Way”

  1. Ardys Fischer Avatar
    Ardys Fischer

    Map of the area is great! It looks like quite a challenge. Take care, Ardys

  2. Bev Palfreyman Avatar
    Bev Palfreyman

    Yahoo! Good luck on your hike. There’s so much to see and walking is the very best way. I’m so jealous! Is there a tune called “Slieve Mish”?

  3. Dawn Avatar

    totally amazing