0 In Annascaul | Some Guy In Nevada

In Annascaul

A much easier hike. We’re doing everything over the mobile phone, ao there are no pictures for noe. We’ll get some up when we make it to Dingle.

After a pleasant breakfast at the Sea View house, we headed back to the trailhead. We fell in with a pleasant woman who was walking up the cwm to pick up her car. We had to work to keep up with her, and after talking about her recent Catholic pilgrimage to Montenegro, we revealed that Nevada had legalized prostitution, and the look on her face left us feeling very dirty and guilty, even if we have nothing to do with the local tarts. She then said she was five weeks post-op for an ACL repair (knee surgery) and her vigorous pace and no limp made us question our own fitness and healthcare systen in the U.S.

We had a great walk over the pass into Inch, where we had lunch and a walk on the beach. It was a short four miles into Annascaul from there. We did pass by an ancient standing stone…but neglected to take any pictures.

After a pint at the South Pole Inn (think Shackleton), we grabbed a light dinner at the b&b and are retiring for rhe night.

Tomorrow into Dingle.



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